Funny No Problem “Life of Employees - Campus Special”
演出時間:2024/09/19 (四) 19:30
演出地點:新竹-光復校區 演藝廳 / 學生活動中心二樓 (新竹市大學路1001號)
入場方式:免費、報名入場 (08/19(一) 12:00開放網路報名)
演出時間:2024/09/26 (四) 19:00
演出地點:台南-歸仁校區 研華國際會議廳 / 奇美樓 (台南市歸仁區高發三路301號)
入場方式:免費、報名入場 (08/19(一) 12:00開放網路報名)
面白大丈夫 / 董軒、耿賢、阿量、木森
面白大丈夫 おもしろい だいじょうぶ,意旨「有趣,沒問題」之意,2019年成立的漫才劇團,四位團員董軒、耿賢、阿量及木森,因為自身對表演藝術的喜愛,原為上班族一邊工作、一邊做演出,劇團成軍之前,憑著熱愛各自耕耘喜劇已有10年演出經驗,而後四人相聚一起自編、自導、自演,策畫出【職男人生】舞台劇系列,沒有複雜的劇情,只有好笑漫才與爆笑短劇,成為大眾假日娛樂的首選之一。並為這動盪忙碌的社會,注入一股得以喘息、放肆歡笑、簡單即快樂的新氣息。
面白大丈夫劇團在臺北演出【職男人生】系列舞台劇,並展開全台巡迴,每年有100 場演出,至今已累計500場,超過30 萬人次觀賞、同時經營 YouTube 頻道擁有36 萬訂閱數,為當代極具影響力的喜劇表演團體。
Funny No Problem “Life of Employees - Campus Special”
Time: 2024/09/19 (Thur.) 19:30
Location: Guangfu Campus - NYCU Music Performance Hall, 2nd Floor, Student Activity Center
Ticket: Free admission
Sign Up: https://reurl.cc/bVQqro (08/19 Mon. 12:00 Open URL)
Time: 2024/09/26 (Thur.) 19:00
Location: Tainan Campus - NYCU Chi-Mei Building
Ticket: Free admission
Sign Up: https://reurl.cc/VM50ry (08/19 Mon. 12:00 Open URL)
In 2019, "Funny No Problem" was established, bringing to the stage the "Life of Employees" series in Taiwan. Over the years, they've performed more than 500 shows, drawing in more than 300,000 audience.
Dong Xuan, Geng Xian, A Liang, and Mu Se n, the core actors, are not just talented performers but also serve as directors and writers. The stage plays are about life experiences and careers, presented in the forms of Manzai and Conte.
They also manage a thriving YouTube channel boasting 360,000 subscribers. The upcoming "Life of Employees Campus Special" promises to showcase the series' finest moments.
Funny Savior Manzai
volunteer group Conte
restaurant Conte
Sen Liang Manzai
intervention Conte
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※ 藝術季節目將依照中央流行疫情指揮中心,即時調整應變措施,並公告於本中心官網。