Toward Heterotopia: Artist’s Books
Curator: Wen-Shu Wendy Lai (Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Arts NYCU / Researcher of International Center for Cultural Studies NYCU)
The “Artist’s Book” i a zone of activity made up of the intersection of various disciplines, fields, and ideas of the contemporary art. Not only has this unique form of art changed significantly over the course of history, but its meanings and its emphasis have also altered. In this exhibition, the artists make use of different media, methods and philosophical reasoning to challenge the conventional ideas of the book. The endeavor to foster Artist’s Books in the Institute of Applied Arts at NYCU is an on-going journey since 2011. It takes in alterity, embraces experimental methods and thereby subverts the norms and traces new paths. It is a journey towards artistic heterotopia—a world of heterotopia and utopia. “The book” thus evinces an air of restlessness while at the same time bursting with unknown possibilities.
- 參展藝術家 -
Ho Tam、Leannej、Marlene Yuen、My Name Is Scot、Tomoyo Ihaya、王佳渝、朱盈樺、江坤森、吳睿哲、巫佳璇、李昇祐、岳昕、呂紹文、孫佳綺、張懿、張莉崴、梁瀚云、陳姝里、游婷雯、湯景光、黃詩婷、劉思妤、劉培安、劉群禹、蔡胤勤、呂彦青、柯淑慧、彭惠姿、賴克、賴雯淑、賴銘哲
- 相關連結 -
- 作品摘錄 -
- 參觀資訊 -
展覽日期:2022 / 2 / 14(一)– 4 / 29(五)
展出地點:交大藝術多寶閣(浩然圖書館 B1 交大藝文空間內)
開放時間:週一~週五 10 : 30 – 18 : 30(2/28、4/4、4/5 閉館)
展場地址: 新竹市大學路 1001 號 陽明交通大學 交大校區浩然圖書館 B1
更多詳情請按讚追蹤藝文中心 FB 粉專:NYCUArtsCenter
- 辦理單位 -
主辦單位: 國立陽明交通大學藝文中心、國立陽明交通大學應用藝術研究所