


Primitive Landscape of Belief : Tzeng Yong-Ning Solo Exhibition


- 展覽介紹 -


This is an explorative process winding through mountains of colors, from the wild flashes of youth to the current prime of life. Artist Tzeng Yong-Ning’s perceptions come from his fascination with nature. The primitive and vigorous conditions therein, through the accumulation of experience and the subtle evolution of artistic expressions, have built up to a kind of force akin to belief. Such belief came from religion yet transcends religion. It involves light, colors, fractals, organic proliferation, as well as natural patterns of the future. In “Primitive Landscape of Belief,” we can fly as well as stroll through this keen yearning for nature. Meanwhile, as we close our eyes and open them again, we can travel through space and time to gaze into the metaverse of the next generation.

- 藝術家介紹 -


Tzeng Yong-Ning has carved out a new contemporary style of Taiwanese painting with his main application of ballpoint pens, also, spent much effort in experiencing divers materials and enriching the forms and contents of his artwork.  Ballpoint pen painting deemed as a form of labor-intensive handiwork, as a fabric from practical weaving process, and tops them with textures and patterns made from multi-leveled lines.  While setting off from natural, the geometric forms create another formal rhythm, and in the recent works, Tzeng develops a mountainous crystal-like composition, which invites our attention to follow the circular rotations develops from the center, then, extends a more gentle and immersive gaze in painting. An incessant overlapping, replication and regeneration- extends outwardly from. 

- 展覽資訊 -

展覽日期:2022 / 4 / 28(四)– 5 / 25(三)
開幕茶會:4 / 28(四)12:00
藝術家導覽:4/ 28(四)13:50


  • 講題:「藝術的信仰~曾雍甯的專業藝術家生涯」
  • 引言人:張孟起(高士文化藝術有限公司總經理)
  • 與談人:曾雍甯(藝術家)、林翰君(宜蘭美術館展覽組研究員)
  • 時間:4 / 27(三)13:20-15:10
  • 地點:交大校區圖書館 B1 浩然國際會議廳

- 參觀資訊 -

開放時間:週一~週五 10 : 30 – 18 : 30
展場地址:新竹市大學路 1001 號 陽明交通大學 交大校區浩然圖書館 B1 藝文空間
更多詳情請按讚追蹤 FB 粉專:NYCUArtsCenter

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