
◆ 工作坊報名連結: 「舞動表達:由身體感知到舞蹈表演的探索與實踐」表單


◆ 活動內容:

師資:朱星朗 https://dancerchris.wixsite.com/dancerchris

日期:9/19, 26, 10/3, 17, 24, 11/7, 14, 21, 28, 12/5, 12, 19  (週二)



◆ 工作坊理念:




Free to Express: Explore and Practice through Bodily Perception and Dance Performance

Nature is never still, and human’s body is able to react to the dynamic of nature. The rhythm lies in the human inner heart. Human is born to consistently and dynamically interact with the environment: We are born to move.

Bodily movement is an expression ability before you know how to use language. The world is constructed through bodily practice and perception. Come join us and enjoy the art of dance together. 

◆ Registration is free online: 「舞動表達:由身體感知到舞蹈表演的探索與實踐」表單

◆ Time: 9/19, 26, 10/3, 17, 24, 11/7, 14, 21, 28, 12/5, 12, 19 (Tuesday) 19:00-21:30

◆ Location: Yang-Ming Campus, Zhi-Xing Art Space

◆ 主辦單位 / 聯絡窗口:
國立陽明交通大學 人文與社會科學院 知行藝空間
陽明校區 徐常齡 (02)2826-7000 轉 65299
聯絡信箱: jeremyclhsu@nycu.edu.tw