澳洲鋼琴家 吉爾・薩利文獨奏會
澳洲鋼琴家 吉爾・薩利文獨奏會
From the Bewigged to Poland – Gil Sullivan Piano Recital
演出時間:2024/10/08 (二) 19:30
演出地點:陽明交大演藝廳 / 學生活動中心二樓 (新竹市大學路1001號)
票 價:學生150、全票300 (8/08(四) 12:00 啟售)
購票傳送門:年代售票系統 https://reurl.cc/bYzvoX
巴赫: 降B大調第一號《組曲》, BWV825
蕭邦: 六首波蘭舞曲
From the Bewigged to Poland – Gil Sullivan Piano Recital
Time: 2024/10/08 (Tue.) 19:30
Location: NYCU Music Performance Hall (Guangfu Campus), 2nd Floor, Student Activity Center
Ticket: 150、300 https://reurl.cc/bYzvoX
My recital programme begins with Bach and Mozart, followed by the 6 Chopin Polonaises. Bach and Mozart lived in the 18th Century, where wearing wigs was compulsory. Not a fashion but a societal conformity dictated by the aristocracy, this concept flowed into the limited, confined freedoms of music, where personal expression and experimentation were frowned upon by kings and queens, etc.
In Chopin’s era, nobody donned wigs, meaning musical expression and experimentation were free and unconstrained, and the passionate nationalism of these Polonaises (‘Polonaise’ derives from the word Poland) in Bach and Mozart’s “bewigged era” was unthinkable!
BACH: Partita No.1 in B flat, BWV825
MOZART: Sonata No.6 in D, K284 “Dürnitz”
CHOPIN: 6 Polonaises
★ 本音樂會非親子活動,7歲以下孩童請勿入場觀摩,謝謝您的合作!
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