2025 六燃文件展:洄游六燃 , 洄游頭前溪
The Sixth Fuel Factory Documenta 2025 :
Tracing the Origin of the Sixth Fuel Factory along the Touqian River
With the theme of “Tracing the Origin of the Sixth Fuel Factory along the Touqian River,” the Sixth Fuel Factory Documenta 2025 is dedicated to the preservation, revitalization, and regeneration of the Sixth Fuel Factory by revisiting, understanding, and constructing it as a cultural asset within the dynamic network interlaced by the factory’s history and ecology. The documenta further addresses the question as to how the water of the Touqian River which has flowed for 300 years, and the memories of the three wars that have spanned 70 years, can become an imagined community of the multitude. The Touqian River and the Sixth Fuel Factory, Hsinchu Branch form a double helix that not only embodies the factory’s sui generis cultural ecology but also encompasses the historical memories and life trajectories of diverse ethnic groups for generations as well as the topography of the Touqian River in different periods of time. The migration routes proposed in this documenta can be regarded as a dynamic process in which natural evolution is intertwined with human civilization. Through walking tours, graphic-and-text creation, video recordings, data processing, and essay writing, this documenta reveals the hybrid modalities of interdependence and conflict among people, places, history, memories, species, and ecology. In this documenta, the double helix of ecology and culture, as a continuum, will be interpreted interactively as it moves forward.
- 展覽資訊 -
展場地址:新竹市大學路1001號 陽明交通大學 光復校區浩然圖書館B1藝文空間
開放時間:週一~週五 10:30 – 18:30‧週六10:30 – 16:30 (週日不開館)
洽詢電話:(03)513 -1233
- 展演&論壇 -
■ 展演活動:
六燃文件展 -《由島至島》紀錄片放映及導演映後座談
日期:06/06 (五)15:00-21:00
■ 六燃論壇:06/07(六)
- 辦理單位 -