《理性與感性》2024 鋼琴五重奏-西班牙之夜
An Evening of Rationality and Sensibility 2024 Piano Quintet
演出時間:2024/11/27 (三) 19:30
演出地點:陽明交大演藝廳 / 學生活動中心二樓 (新竹市大學路1001號)
入場方式:免費、報名入場 (10/27(日) 12:00開放網路報名)
在2024年的冬季,〈緣 室內樂集〉為觀眾們綻放一場驚艷的異國音樂饗宴,合作超過12餘年的〈緣 室內樂集〉,默契十足的音樂家們以理性細緻的技巧,高水準的演出,讓觀眾聆聽到這些充滿豐富的旋律和情感的作品。
本次以兩位西班牙音樂家:圖里納、葛拉納多斯的作品,帶給聽眾耳目一新的感受;西班牙風格的熱情和浪漫情感,帶領〈緣 室內樂集〉的樂迷們穿越音樂的時空。這次除了鋼琴五重奏的編制外,另一首為鋼琴五重奏再加一把中提琴的曲目《安達盧西亞情景,作品7》;以小型協奏曲的模式,欣賞中提琴純美的音質及精湛的琴技。這首作品將帶領觀眾進入一個充滿陽光和浪漫的異國情調畫面,彷彿置身於安達盧西亞的風景之中。
對〈緣 室內樂集〉的五位音樂家來說,他們對每場演出音樂的執著及挑戰,皆是致力於分享音樂的喜愛與執著,也藉由音樂會演出向觀眾傳遞對音樂的熱情。
華金・圖里納:G 小調鋼琴五重奏,作品 1
華金・圖里納:安達魯西亞場景,作品 7
恩里克・葛拉納多斯:G 小調鋼琴五重奏,作品 49
Joaquín Turina: Piano Quintet in G Minor, Op. 1
Joaquín Turina: Scéne Andalouse, Op. 7
Enrique Granados: Piano Quintet in G Minor , Op. 49
An Evening of Rationality and Sensibility 2024 Piano Quintet
Time: 2024/11/27 (Wed.) 19:30
Location: NYCU Music Performance Hall (Guangfu Campus), 2nd Floor, Student Activity Center
Ticket: Free admission
Sign Up: https://reurl.cc/nNaYz1(10/27 Sun. 12:00 Open URL)
In the winter of 2024, an extraordinary exotic musical feast will be presented to the audience. This event will feature works by two Spanish musicians, Joaquín Turina and Enrique Granados, offering listeners a refreshing experience. The passionate and romantic emotions of the Spanish style will transport music enthusiasts through time and space. In addition to a piano quintet, there will be another piece for a piano quintet with an added viola, titled “Scéne Andalouse, Op. 7”.
This piece, in the form of a small concerto, allows the audience to appreciate the pure and exquisite sound quality of the viola and the performers’ superb technique. It will take the audience into a sunny and romantic exotic landscape as if they were in the scenery of Andalusia. For the five musicians, their dedication and challenge in each performance are all about sharing their love and commitment to music, and through the concert, they aim to convey their passion for music to the audience.
★ 本音樂會非親子活動,7歲以下孩童請勿入場觀摩,謝謝您的合作!
※ 為防範疫情擴大並確保活動順利,進入場館建議自備並全程佩戴口罩入場觀賞。
※ 藝術季節目將依照中央流行疫情指揮中心,即時調整應變措施,並公告於本中心官網。