Leeds Glory – Kai-Min Chang Piano Recital
演出時間:2025/03/25 (二) 19:30
演出地點:陽明交大演藝廳 / 學生活動中心二樓 (新竹市大學路1001號)
票 價:學生150、全票300
購票傳送門:年代售票系統 https://reurl.cc/O56EN9 (2025/01/08 (三)12:00 啟售)
布拉姆斯:四首鋼琴小品,作品 119
蕭邦:夜曲,作品 48-2
蕭邦:B小調第一號詼諧曲,作品 20
貝多芬:降B大調第二十九號鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品 106《槌子鍵琴》
Leeds Glory – Kai-Min Chang Piano Recital
Time: 2025/03/25 (Tue.) 19:30
Location: NYCU Music Performance Hall (Guangfu Campus), 2nd Floor, Student Activity Center
Ticket: 150、300 https://reurl.cc/O56EN9 (2025/01/08 Wed. 12:00 Open URL)
In 2024, a young Taiwanese pianist, Kai-Min Chang, won the Fourth Prize at the 21st Leeds International Piano Competition and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society Prize. In his return recital after winning the prize, he chose four pieces from the late works of Brahms, reflecting his unique and solitary mindset, to open the program; then, he interpreted Chopin’s “Nocturne” and “Scherzo” to present several pieces that reflect the composer’s melancholy and romantic entanglement. In the second half of the program, Beethoven’s “Große Sonate für das Hammerklavier,” a large-scale work that many pianists aspire to master, is composed in symphonic form and is profoundly innovative in musical expression and technique.
Johannes Brahms: 4 Piano Pieces, Op. 119
Frédéric Chopin: Nocturne, Op. 48, No. 2
Frédéric Chopin: Scherzo No. 1 in B Minor, Op. 20
Ludwig van Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 29 in B-Flat Major, Op. 106, ‘Hammerklavier’
★ 本音樂會非親子活動,7歲以下孩童請勿入場觀摩,謝謝您的合作!
※ 藝術季節目將依照中央流行疫情指揮中心,即時調整應變措施,並公告於本中心官網。