《2025春唱》韓國 Zenith 人聲樂團
《2025春唱》韓國 Zenith 人聲樂團
2025 Spring Vocal Festival – Zenith Tour Concert
演出時間:2025/04/24 (四) 19:30
演出地點:陽明交大演藝廳 / 學生活動中心二樓 (新竹市大學路1001號)
票 價:學生150、全票300
購票傳送門:年代售票系統 https://reurl.cc/eGpWYm (2025/01/08 (三)12:00 啟售)
Soprano: LIM HYELIN, 林慧璘
Alto: KIM SEHEE, 金世煕
Tenor: KIM MINGOO, 金民求
Baritone: KIM YANGWOO, 金亮雨
Bass: KIM SEUNG PHIL(Eric Kim), 金昇泌
Zenith於韓國的教育推廣有極大的引領貢獻,2019年,它被列入小學音樂教科書的現代卡貝拉教學範例。2020年,Zenith為「跑跑薑餅人:烤箱大逃亡」所作的原聲帶《The Ocean: Sorbet Shark’s Dream》於YouTube觀看更是突破了130萬次。
Circle of Life
제니스 로고송
Beauty & the Beast
Autumn Leaves
Ditto + Hype Boy
Permission to Dance
관객과 함께
바람이 불어오는 곳
Dancing Queen
2025 Spring Vocal Festival – Zenith Tour Concert
Time: 2025/04/24 (Thur.) 19:30
Location: NYCU Music Performance Hall (Guangfu Campus), 2nd Floor, Student Activity Center
Ticket: 150、300 https://reurl.cc/eGpWYm (2025/01/08 Wed. 12:00 Open URL)
“The pinnacle of Korean popular a cappella”
The Zenith is a five-member mixed vocal band representing Korea. The name signifies that “the human voice is the best instrument.” Formed in 2008, they became the first Koreans to win the “TCMC World Contemporary A Cappella Competition” in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2014 and the “Vokal. Total International A Cappella Competition” in Graz, Austria, in 2015.
Their journey, titled “Asian & European Challenge,” was adapted into the independent film Giant Tree (2016). In 2019, they were featured in elementary school music textbooks as representatives of a cappella. In 2020, their “Sherbet Shark’s Dream” from the popular game Cookie Run: Oven Break surpassed 1.3 million views on YouTube.
Circle of Life
제니스 로고송
Beauty & the Beast
Autumn Leaves
Ditto + Hype Boy
Permission to Dance
관객과 함께
바람이 불어오는 곳
Dancing Queen
※We will select the repertoires from the above.
★ 本音樂會非親子活動,7歲以下孩童請勿入場觀摩,謝謝您的合作!
※ 藝術季節目將依照中央流行疫情指揮中心,即時調整應變措施,並公告於本中心官網。