演出時間:2024/11/17 (日) 14:30
演出地點:陽明交大演藝廳 / 學生活動中心二樓 (新竹市大學路1001號)
入場方式:免費、報名入場 (10/17(四) 12:00開放網路報名)
awi 是住在臺中縱谷盆地的朴仔籬社族人,自官府設立軍工寮開始,他認識了客家小孩勇牯,兩人喜歡一起走標賽跑,每次都是awi 跑第一。某天,寮場發生大火,木料全毀,官府命令客家軍工匠人與護衛族人必須賠償,私意族人必須同時上繳鹿皮餉給官府。awi 想跟阿勇牯一起入山獵鹿證明自己的能力,究竟他們兩個能不能獵到鹿呢?
Time: 2024/11/17 (Sun.) 14:30
Location: NYCU Music Performance Hall (Guangfu Campus), 2nd Floor, Student Activity Center
Ticket: Free admission
Sign Up: https://reurl.cc/OMZQ8r (10/17 Thur. 12:00 Open URL)
awi is a member of the Puzili tribe living in the Taichung Valley Basin. Since the government established the military labor camp, he has become friends with a Hakka boy named Yonggu. The two enjoy racing together, with awi always finishing first. One day, a fire broke out at the camp, destroying all the timber. The government ordered the Hakka military craftsmen and the Puzili tribesmen to compensate for the loss, while the Puzili tribesmen also had to pay deer skin tributes to the government. awi wanted to go deer hunting in the mountains with Yonggu to prove his abilities. Will they be able to catch a deer?
This play highlights the use of the Dongshi Dapu Hakka dialect and the Kavalan language in its performances. From the perspective of micro-history, this new production has been adapted with the hope of conveying the evolving process of inter-ethnic interactions, as well as the broad vision of historical changes and transformations. The aim is to help children recognize the real existence of the history beneath their feet while also cherishing the current prosperous coexistence of Taiwan’s diverse ethnic groups and cultures.
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※ 藝術季節目將依照中央流行疫情指揮中心,即時調整應變措施,並公告於本中心官網。