2025 陽明交大建築展:沒有想像中的遠

2025 GIA Project Review: Not So Distant

2025 GIA Project Review: Not So Distant

2025年陽明交通大學建築研究所展覽「沒有想像中的遠 (Not So Distant)」以宏觀視角探索建築作品之間的微觀連結,重新詮釋其與外界的關係。展覽將每件作品視為節點(node),透過關鍵字、理念及空間關係等作為連結(link),編織出一個動態的設計網絡,試圖揭示建築作品間看似獨立卻緊密相關的特質,也呈現作品之間的交互影響與共鳴。展覽中,觀者可藉由數位裝置進行互動選取,在不同作品的概念與語意脈絡中穿梭,跳脫作品原有的框架,激發與設計者及作品間更深層的對話,誘發新的觀展體驗。

The 2025 exhibition “Not So Distant” by the Graduate Institute of Architecture at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University adopts a macro perspective to explore the micro-connections between architectural works, redefining their relationship with the broader context. Each work is viewed as a node, linked through keywords, concepts, and design approaches to weave a dynamic design network. This approach reveals the seemingly independent yet deeply interconnected nature of architectural works, highlighting their mutual connection. Through our interactive website, viewers can actively select and navigate the conceptual and semantic connections between works. This experience transcends the original boundaries of physical exhibitions, fostering deeper dialogue with designers and viewers while sparking new ways of engaging with the exhibition.

- 展覽資訊 -

開幕茶會 | 創作者導覽:02/27(四)14:00 | 15:00

- 參觀資訊 -

開放時間:週一~週五 10:30 – 18:30
週六特別開放:02/22 (校慶日)、04/12 (交大日) 10:30 – 16:30
展場地址:新竹市大學路1001號 陽明交通大學 光復校區浩然圖書館B1藝文空間



-    辦理單位 -

主辦單位:國立陽明交通大學 藝文中心、國立陽明交通大學 建築研究所