

New “Jing” – Tsong Pu Solo Exhibition


- 展覽介紹 -

如果從一個邏輯脈絡上來看,莊普的幾何繪畫作品發展是掌握了—「從繪畫到幾何」的關鍵問題,是在於近年來莊普作品中愈來愈多的使用了後現代藝術脈絡中的“後”這個關鍵因素。由於「後」,莊普在 1980 年代以來的幾何繪畫,便具有自身的解釋性,也具有與冷僻純粹的現代主義沒有的溫度,它可以是歷史的、情緒的或是不同於中心性的其它視角形態。

From a logical perspective, the geometric paintings of Tsong Pu have progressively appreciated the key issue of “from painting to geometry.” In recent years, Tsong Pu has used in his works an increasing number of the key element in post-modern art (i.e., “post”). Because of “post,” his geometric paintings since the 1980s have the nature of being self-explanatory and the warmth missing in the cold and pure modernism. It can be historical, emotional, or in other perspective forms different from centrality.

- 藝術家介紹 -

莊普,一位運用理性規制達到直觀詩意的當代藝術家,1983 年以極簡風格出發,並以此聞名。他也是一個興趣廣泛的創作者,穿梭於生活語境所觸發的醍醐灌頂式的創作興味是其根本興趣。


Tsong Pu, a contemporary artist who employs rational discipline to achieve an intuitive poeticness, became well-known for his minimalist style in 1983. With a wide spectrum of interests, he is fundamentally engrossed in the empowerment that is sparked when creating while navigating everyday life contexts. Whether through mixed media art, installations or paintings, he excels at expressing his subjective self, often incorporating unexpected and surprising elements in his practice. He sifts out the subtle, unnoticed things from daily life, or the apparently ordinary and trivial things, and from them, he distills his thoughts on modernity.

- 展覽資訊 -

展覽日期:2021 / 10/ 27 – 11 / 29


- 經典通識教育講座 - 

  • 講題:「簡單就是美–心靈與材質的邂逅」
  • 講者:莊普(藝術家、第21屆國家文藝獎美術類得主)
  • 時間:10/27(三)13:20-15:10  
  • 地點:交大校區圖書館B1浩然國際會議廳
  • 簡介:

    我對說故事不那麼有興趣,正因如此,不會在藝術創作上有很敘事性或教育性的視覺藝術作品,相反的,會盡量在基本的層面表達其精神性。 我們可以理解無限大或絕對的力量,卻無法在有限的時空中表現它們,但可以用某種看來跟繪畫毫無意義的簡單事物或方法來暗示它們的存在。這個方式就是「無定形狀態,即形式的缺乏」,希望能把視覺表現降到最低,通過這樣的「負表現」,召喚對作品本身無限地沈思,而非肉眼所見的形象物,盡可能表達藝術即生活。

- 參觀資訊 -

開放時間:週一~週五 10 : 30 – 18 : 30
展場地址:新竹市大學路 1001 號 陽明交大交大校區浩然圖書館 B1 藝文空間
更多詳情按讚追蹤 FB 粉專:NYCUArtsCenter

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